Best Places/Time to See Hydrangea Flowers in Kamakura

Rainy season –you probably don’t want to stay in Japan in this period of time. However there’s amazing thing you can enjoy around the month of June –the hydrangea flowers (“Ajisai” in Japanese). Find best place to see beautiful hydrangea flowers in Kamakura, old capital city of Japan where you can find traditional temples or great buddha. It’s only one hour train trip from Tokyo.

It may be very very crowded during weekends, visiting on weekdays or in the early morning is recommended.


WHERE and WHEN to see the best hydrangea flowers in Kamakura

明月院 Meigetsu-in


明月院 花想い地蔵と紫陽花明月院ブルーの紫陽花

Called “the hydrengea temple”, its blue hydrengea flowers particularly get more vivid after a light rain. Very famous spot and it’s defenitely worth a visit.

  • When to visit Meigetsu-in: Mid-June to late June
  • Live information on social media: check out Twitter tag #明月院 Instagram tag #明月院
  • Open: 8:30am – 5:00pm (in June)
  • Fee: 500JPY (in June, for adults)
  • How to get there: 5 mins walk from “Kitakamakura Station”

成就院 Joju-in


成就院 紫陽花と由比ガ浜Very photogenic spot. Take hydrangea pictures against the Yuigahama Beach.

* CLOSED due to construction during the year of 2016

  • When to visit Joju-in: early June to late June
  • Live information on social media: check out Twitter tag #成就院 Instagram tag #成就院
  • Open: 8:00am – 5:00pm (in June)
  • Fee: free
  • How to get there: 3 mins walk from “Gokurakuji Station” of Enoshima Dentetsu Line

長谷寺 Hase-dera Temple


One of the most visited temples in Kamakura. More than 2,500 hydrangeas are planted and its species are diverse and flowers are colourful. Enjoy hiking through Genjiyama Park watching beautiful flowers and ocean view.

  • When to visit Hase-dera Temple: early June to late June
  • Live information on social media: check out Twitter tag #長谷寺 Instagram tag #長谷寺
    You may encounter a long queue as it’s very popular temple!
  • Open: 8:00am – 5:00pm (March – September)
  • Fee: 300JPY (for adults)
  • How to get there: 5 mins walk from “Hasedera Station” of Enoshima Dentetsu Line

Shooting Photos in Traditional Japanese Dress (Kimono) with Flowers

鎌倉あじさいロケーションフォトDress in traditional Japanese style (Kimono) and photoshoot against beautiful hydrangea flowers 🙂 Here’s a costume rental shop in Kamakura which I recommend. They also provide professional photoshoots in the place you like such as Meigetsu-in.

  • Kimono rental Kosode
    Official website
    29,800JPY including Kimono rental + one hour professional photoshoots (80 photos)
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